The varieties of Vogue Cigarettes are different and recognized as the most popular among the beautiful half of humanity. The aristocratic nature of this brand gives each of their owners feel like a refined lady. And to this day, each lady, not indifferent to smoking, will pay attention to Vogue, which has a magnificent charm and elegance. The brand was initially positioned on the tobacco market as a woman’s. Unlike men’s, the products have a thin, elongated shape, a pleasant aroma that overlaps the smell of heavy man’s “cigarettes” and ultra lights in smoking, which is quite popular among smokers.
This mark during its existence has experienced various processes of re-branding. Regardless of the fact that the products of different campaigns underwent different economic situations, namely, ups and downs, this brand was always very much in demand anyway.
With the stage of brand development, more and more of its types appeared which diversified the choice of the beautiful half of humanity. They differed only in the amount of nicotine. Repeatedly changed and design, and the kind of packaging itself. For example, 2008 is marked by the year of the Ephemera brand, the famous French designer Jean-Pierre Ollier is working on the design of the pack. But as if the appearance did not change, no matter how it went with the times, the pleasant taste remained and remains the same, for which his beautiful half of humanity loves.
With the appearance of competitors and those who want to “jump over”, the popularity of Vogue got only increased more and more, creating new brands, BAT creates a completely new line of cigarettes, this:
• Vogue Blanche;
• Vogue Noire.
Their uniqueness lies in the fact that Vogue Blanche has the effect of freshness and coolness, a rather pleasant slightly invigorating sensation, and Vogue Noire, on the contrary, warms up from the inside. British American Tobacco is the first company in the world to come up with and implement this idea.