Sooner or later, a smoking person sets out to find the strongest cigarettes. All because the fact that he/she smoked before, ceased to satisfy him/her. The person gets little effect from ordinary cigarettes, and he/she goes further in search of new sensations. Viceroy is the leading brand of British American Tobacco, from the category of cheap cigarettes.
Viceroy Cigarettes received their name thanks to the representative of the royal dynasty Weiss, after whom they were named. In translation, this word means “ROI” – return on investments..
In 1952, Viceroy became the first brand, with acetyl-cellulose added to the filters, in the end this technology created an industrial standard. In 1990, Vice Viceroy Box Kings and Lights Box Kings were introduced to the US market, followed by Viceroy Ultra and Ultra 100 in 1992, and the New Viceroy 100 and Viceroy Menthol in 2000. All styles of Viceroy Cigarettes are changed to a more modern packaging, with no change in the blend. The brand name is of royal origin. Historically, Weiss was a royal representative who runs a country or province, on behalf of or as a monarch. This favorite brand justifies its royal origin and is the leader in many know-how, technologies in the field of the tobacco industry.
It is written on the packet: “Your VICEROY, selected tobacco, is made with knowledge of business, filled with taste. International Mixture. Young smokers 18-30 years are target Viceroy audience.
The manufacturer of Viceroy Cigarette brand regularly conducts advertising and promo campaigns, in which everyone can participate, whose choice fell on this brand of cigarettes. In June 2009, British American Tobacco restarted Viceroy Cigarettes in a package with a new design. Sales of updated cigarettes began to spread worldwide.
Before making a decision to restart, British American Tobacco has studied consumer preferences in six of the company’s markets. The result of the research was a new design for the Viceroy packs, which its participants chose. The Viceroy line-up is represented by three traditional versions – Red, Blue and Silver.